#19 Introduce about CAR Process, DPC, DP at project level

1 Understand CAR and CAR process
2 Responsibilities of DPC, DP Teams
3 How to conduct Causal Analysis meeting and identify preventive actions
4 How to create/update DP log
5 Group assignment: Causal analysis & resolution meeting

Misconceptions on CAR
 During Project Execution -> From Project Planning
 To fix problem -> to minimize the cause (Prevention)
 Apply only for Defects -> Issue/Incident/Defects/NC/Customer complaint
NC= Non Conformity

CAR process & How?

 Plan for CAR periodically at organization and project level (DP Plan)
 Follow goal and objective of organization/project
 Determine resource
 Plan for budget & effort …
 + How?
Problems can be:
 Defect -> Common defects/Common cause
 Use Pareto chart ( 80/20 rules)/ to select some defect type to analyze further
 Should consider
 Impact of defects
 Frequency of occurrence
 Similarity between defects
 Cost for analysis
 NC/Issue/Customer complaints
 State the problem out and log it to tracking system
How to determine problem?
 Pareto: To determine the priorities of the problem to be analyzed. It helps in identifying this vital few pictorially
 Common issues , defects/Common causes
 80/20 Rule : What 20% of sources are causing 80% of the problems?
 Where should we focus our efforts to achieve the greatest improvements?
=> Answer
 Analyse cause
 Hold CAR meeting
 Brainstorming to identify Cause
 Use Cause and Effect (fish bone/ Ishikawa) techniques
 Use 5 why rule
 Groups Causes to categories
 Log common defects to common defect list
 Define action proposals
 Log DP actions to DP logs
 Log analysis and actions to Issue list for problems
How to find the root cause?

 Fish born ( see picture)
 Cause can be branched to categories
 Ask why and put bone to the fish till we find the root cause
 5 why
 Ask why 5 times till we see the root cause Why A? Answer : B, Why B? answer: C, Why C?....
 5 why can be used separately or with fish bone
 Reference for 5 why?
 Ask why 5 time for each categories below
 Investigate why problem happen ( specific root cause)?
 Investigate why the problem was not detected:
 Investigate why system let the problem happen ( Systemic root cause): such as current process, procedure,….

Example – 5 Why
Cấp trên giao trách nhiệm cho bạn tìm văn phòng mới vì hàng tháng nay các nhân viên phòng mua hàng phàn nàn việc thiếu chỗ làm việc. Trước khi đưa ra dự án, bạn quyết định nghiên cứu vấn đề. Vậy bạn nên tiến hành trao đổi với các nhân viên trong phòng
1. Tại sao các anh muốn có văn phòng mới?
Câu trả lời nhận được một cách tức thì: thiếu chỗ, mỗi văn phòng có những 3 người
2. Nhưng tại sao lại có 3 người trong mỗi văn phòng
Câu trả lời: vì chúng tôi phải lưu kho ngay cả những máy tính cần kiểm tra trước khi gửi chúng đến các phòng ban khác. Cả 1 tầng đầy máy tính
3. Tại sao các anh phải kiểm tra máy tính ngay tại đây?
Trả lời: Trước kia nhà cung cấp họ tự kiểm tra chất lượng, bây giờ chúng tôi phải làm việc này
4. Tại sao nhà cung cấp lại ko tự kiểm tra chất lượng nữa?
Trả lời: Đi mà hỏi người quản lý mua hàng. Khi bạn hỏi ông ta cũng câu hỏi đó, ông ta trả lời rằng nhà cung cấp đã tăng lệ phí cho việc kiểm tra này lên 70%
5. Bạn gọi cho nhà cung cấp để biết được quan điểm của họ "tại sao các ông lại tăng lệ phí cho việc kiểm tra này?"
Trả lời: đó là do người quản lý chất lượng của công ty có những yêu cầu hoàn toàn thiếu thực tế. Việc kiểm tra mà ông ấy yêu cầu phải mất 4 hours cho mỗi máy tính.
=> Sau "5 tại sao" cuối cùng bạn đã tìm ra được thực chất của vấn đề: những yêu cầu phi thực tế của phòng quản lý chất lượng. Vì vậy bạn đã yêu cầu thay đổi những yêu cầu này và nhà cung cấp lại bắt đầu tiếp tục công việc kiêm tra. Kể từ đó phòng mua hàng lại có chỗ làm việc của họ

 Implement actions
 Assign person in charge
 Implement and track to closure
 Logs info in DP logs or Issue actual actions
 Evaluate the effect of change
 Evaluate the benefits of actions
 Log benefits in DP log of action
 Records:
 All records are kept for later process improvement in organization level
 Sharing:
 Common defects of most used program languages in organization
 Technical knowledge to share experience, practice or lessons
 DP Norm
 DP Database

 Board of Management (BOM): responsible for problem analysis and resolution at organization level. BOM decides that Group/Project team should conduct Causal analysis meeting for issues/problems
 Defect Prevention Council (DPC): responsible for Defect Prevention actions at organization level
 Responsibility:
 Prepare DP plan for organization.
 Review and approve DP plan of groups.
 Defect report monthly
 Identify and provide necessary resource for defect and problem prevention.
 Evaluate performance of DPC biannually.
 Control the implementing of DP activities of groups through review and internal audit.

DPC members
 DPC head: QA branch will take responsible for DPC at organization level
 DPC lead of OGs: QA leaders take this role.
 DP Specialists: Each OG will has plan and list of DP specialists
 Qas

CAR Meeting
 When: Quarterly/BOM decides or critical problem occurs
 Purpose: To decide preventive actions and implement at organization level
 Responsibility: DPC Head/DPC Lead/Group Leaders/QA Leaders
 Content:
 Identify problems and major defects
 Analyze the root causes of problems/defects
 identify most expensive, most frequent defects or problems
 Give preventive activities for problems/defects
 Assign member and give deadline for preventive action

DPC at Group level
-  DP Plan
 Set DP target for the group basing on special requirements of groups/customers
 Members of DPC at Group: Coordinator
 DP Specialists
 DP Actions of groups (to achieve the targets)
 In the Initiation stage of the project, Project manager establishes DP Team for the project
 DP team sets targets and plans DP activities
 DP Plan of a project includes 3 items :
 DP targets: The targets should follow goals of DP at Group level.
 DP activities: give actions to avoid defects and meet DP target
 DP Team
- Review DP Plan
 DP plan is reviewed by PM, project QA and approved by DP leader.
 DP Plan is approved in Kick-off meeting
 Causal analysis meeting
 When:
 As planned DP plan.
 Defect density is over the norm
 Problem that affects to quality or productivity occurs
 Causal Analysis meeting can be a part of project meeting
 Purpose
 Discuss and evaluate the effectiveness of Defect/Problem preventive actions defined in previous meeting
 Identify most common defects/problems of the project and root causes of those defects/problems.
 A root cause is a source of a defect such that if it is removed, the defect is decreased or removed
 Find out actions to prevent similar errors/problems
 Preparation
 DP Teams/PM/PTLs review defect/problem data and list some common defects/problems
 Update results of actions in DP log or Issue list
 Invite all members and DPC representative to the meeting

- In the meeting:
 Report status of planned DP actions and actual result or report the problems and the impacts/effectiveness
 Discuss about common defects/problems in last phase
 Analyze the root causes of defects/problems
 Prioritize defect/problem types
 Identify possible actions to prevent occurrence of similar defects or problems
 Assign member and give deadline to implement preventive action.
 Records
 Meeting minutes
 Preventive action is logged in DP log
 Common Defects : record all common defects of the project with root causes.
 Issues: record all issues, causes, solutions and actions to remove the causes.


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