Exercise 1
Create test report for each function: include following items:
1. Number of test case
2. Number of passed test case
3. Number of fail test case
4. Number of untested test case
5. Number of N/A test case
6. Percentage of test coverage
7. Percentage of test successful coverage
Answer 1:
=> Conclusion:
Function ‘Manage student mark’ has many fail test case.
The system can not calculate student mark
Exercise 2
Create general defect report:
Open defects: base on severity (Fatal, serious, Medium,
Cosmetic) and status of defect ( Error, Assigned, Fixing,
Corrected, Confirming)
Fixed defects: base on severity (Fatal, serious, Medium,
Cosmetic) and status of defect Delivered, Validated,
Approved, Accepted, Canceled, Closed)
Total weight defect:
1 cosmetic defect = 1 w.def
1 medium defect = 3 w.def
1 serious defect = 5 w.def
1 fatal defect = 10 w.def
Answer 2:
Execise 3:
Create Defect distribution test report (include following information)
Number of defects for each process ( Requirement, Design, Coding, Test, Other)
Number of defects for each QC activities ( Unit test, Integration test, System test, Acceptance test, Code review, Document review, Final Inspection, Baseline audit
Total weight defect:
1 cosmetic defect = 1 w.def
1 medium defect = 3 w.def
1 serious defect = 5 w.def
1 fatal defect = 10 w.def
Answer 3:
Exercise 4
Create Defect trend
Draw graph to know found defects and fixed defect trend From date….. To date
Answer 4:
Hôm nay đọc gì
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