#12 How to create a decision table and example

Decision Tables definition
 Concept: test the rules that govern handling of transactional situations
 Model: table (or Boolean graph) connecting conditions with actions
 Test derivation: fulfill conditions, check actions
 Coverage criteria: at least one test per combination of conditions (DT column)
 Bug hypothesis: improper action or missing action

Example: Deriving Tests
 In the example just shown, each column of the table is a testcase
 We will create the conditions (which are the test’s inputs)
 We will verify the actions (which are the test’s expected results)
 In some cases, we might generate more than one test case per column (more later)
 In this case, some of the test cases don’t make much sense; e.g.:
 Account not real but account active?
 Account not real but account within limit?
 Maybe we don’t need all the columns in our decision table?

Collapsing a Decision Table
 If the value of one or more particular conditions can’t affect the actions for
two or more combinations of conditions, we can collapse the decision table
 This involves combining two or more columns
 Combinable columns often but not always next to each other
 Look for two or more columns that result in the same combination of
actions (for all the actions in the table)
 Replace the conditions that are different in those columns with “-” (for
don’t care/doesn’t matter/can’t happen)
 Repeat this process until no further columns share the same combination
of actions or where collapse would erase an important distinction
 Be careful with tables that have non-exclusive rules


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